
  • 厦门圣企机电设备有限公司
  • 联系人:代守莲
  • 联系电话:15159233533
  • 固定电话:0592-6081295
  • 客服: 点击这里给我发消息
  • 经营模式:贸易型
  • 所在地区:福建 厦门


价    格:面议 / 套
数    量:大量
发布时间:2021/9/2 11:04:21
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  • 规格:IC646NGJ000
  • 是否标准件:否
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  • 品牌:GE
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  • 厚度:
  • 新旧程度:全新
  • 主要用途:
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电流; (2)电流环基准信号为电压环误差信号与全波整流电压取样信号之乘积。

IC694MDL654CA Conformal Coated Input module 32 points 5/12VDC TTL POS/NEG logic. Termi nation is a Fujitsu connector.

IC694MDL655 Input module 24 VDC 32 point POS/NEG logic.

IC694MDL655CA Conformal Coated Input module 24 VDC POS/NEG logic 32 points. 1msec filter.  Interface is a Fujitsu connector.

IC694MDL658 INPUT 48 VDC POS/NEG 32PT FAST.  Wiring termination is two Fujitsu connectors.

IC694MDL660 RX3i 24VDC Input Module 32 point.  Module is supported by serial bus andis not limited to the universal base or expansion base.  The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block).  Terminal

IC694MDL660CA RX3i 24VDC Input Module 32 point.  Module is supported by serial bus andis not limited to the universal base or expansion base.  The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block).  Terminal

IC694MDL732 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 8 points, positive logic.

IC694MDL734 Output module 125VDC 1 amp 6 points isolated POS/NEG logic.

IC694MDL734CA Conformal Coated Output module 125VDC, 1amp, 6 point, isolated per point.

IC694MDL740 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, positive logic.

IC694MDL740CA Conformal Coated Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, positive logic.

IC694MDL741 Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amps 16 points, negative logic.

IC694MDL741CA Conformal Coated Output module 12/24 VDC 0.5 amp 16 points NEG logic.

IC694MDL742 Output module 12/24VDC, 1 amp 16 point positive logic ESCP protection.

IC694MDL752 Output module 5/24VDC (TTL) 0.5 amp 32 point negative logic.

IC694MDL752CA Conformal Coated Output module, 5/12-24VDC, 32 point NEG logic.

IC694MDL753 Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points. Interface uses Fujitsu connector.

IC694MDL753CA Output module, 12/24VDC POS logic, 32 points. Interface uses Fujitsu connector.

IC694MDL754 12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps/point)Module 32 point. Requires terminal block IC694TBBx32 box style or IC694TBSx32 spring clamp.  Terminal block is sold seperately. Output response Time is 0.5ms.

IC694MDL754CA Conformal Coated.  12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps/point)Module 32 point. Requires terminal block IC694TBBx32 box style or IC694TBSx32 spring clamp.  Terminal block is sold seperately. Output response Time is 0.5ms.

IC694MDL916 Output module, Isolated Relay, Normally Open, 4 Amp, 16 point.  Requires High Density Terminal Block (IC694TBBx32 or IC694TBSx32).  Only compatible with ible high speed serial bus on both Universal Base and Standard expansion base.

IC694MDL930 Output module, relay 4 amp, 8 point isolated per point.

IC694MDL930CA Conformal Coated Relay Output module, 4 amp 8 point isolated

IC694MDL931 Output module, relay 3 amp form B and C; 8 point isolated


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